

and integration coaching.

Based in Burgess Hill, Mid Sussex, and online.

  • Welcome.

    My aim is to create a space that enables you to reconnect to yourself, and the world around you. By listening deeply, with an open-heart and an open-mind.

    I will help you understand your experiences in life, to find meaning, and potentially achieve a greater sense of peace and happiness.

My Therapeutic Approach


    My job is to provide you with a space where you feel safe, comfortable, and free from judgement. This is a place where you can reconnect to yourself, and the world around you.


    I will aim to understand you, learn about the way that you experience life, help you understand your experiences, and accompany you on your therapeutic journey.


    I will help you fulfil what you want to achieve from having therapy, and encourage and empower you to walk the path that feels right for you.

Looking for help?

Many people know what it is that they want to achieve from engaging in therapy, and if that’s the case we can explore this together.

Equally, many people are not sure what it is that they want, except for an inner knowing that maybe it’s time to share with a professional, which is a great place to start too.

Whether you’re currently experiencing mental health challenges, stress, or whether you’re interested in therapy for personal development or spiritual growth. You’re welcome to get in contact.

To find out more about me click here.

For availability and prices click here.

And to get in contact click here.